00324 DAN 003 002 Then Nebuchadnezzar <05020 +N@buwkadnetstsar >

the king <04430 +melek > sent <07972 +sh@lach > to gather <03673

+kanash > together the princes <{00324} +>achashdarpan > , the

governors <05461 +cagan > , and the captains <06347 +pechah > ,

the judges <00148 +>adargazer > , the treasurers <01411 +g@dabar

> , the counsellors <01884 +d@thabar > , the sheriffs <08614

+tiphtay > , and all <03606 +kol > the rulers <07984 +shiltown >

of the provinces <04082 +m@diynah > , to come <00858 +>athah >

to the dedication <02597 +chanukka> > of the image <06755

+tselem > which <01768 +diy > Nebuchadnezzar <05020

+N@buwkadnetstsar > the king <04430 +melek > had set <06966

+quwm > up .

00324 DAN 003 003 Then <00116 +>edayin > the princes <{00324}

+>achashdarpan > , the governors <05461 +cagan > , and captains

<06347 +pechah > , the judges <00148 +>adargazer > , the

treasurers <01411 +g@dabar > , the counsellors <01884 +d@thabar

> , the sheriffs <08614 +tiphtay > , and all <03606 +kol > the

rulers <07984 +shiltown > of the provinces <04082 +m@diynah > ,

were gathered <03673 +kanash > together unto the dedication

<02597 +chanukka> > of the image <06755 +tselem > that

Nebuchadnezzar <05020 +N@buwkadnetstsar > the king <04430 +melek

> had set <06966 +quwm > up ; and they stood <06966 +quwm >

before <06903 +q@bel > the image <06755 +tselem > that

Nebuchadnezzar <05020 +N@buwkadnetstsar > had set <06966 +quwm >

up .

00324 DAN 003 027 And the princes <{00324} +>achashdarpan > ,

governors <05461 +cagan > , and captains <06347 +pechah > , and

the king s <04430 +melek > counsellors <01907 +haddabar > ,

being gathered <03673 +kanash > together , saw <02370 +chaza> >

these <00479 +>illek > men <01400 +g@bar > , upon whose <01768

+diy > bodies <01655 +geshem > the fire <05135 +nuwr > had no

<03809 +la> > power <07981 +sh@let > , nor <03809 +la> > was an

hair <08177 +s@<ar > of their head <07217 +re>sh > singed <02761

+charak > , neither <03809 +la> > were their coats <05622

+carbal > changed <08133 +sh@na> > , nor <03809 +la> > the smell

<07382 +reyach > of fire <05135 +nuwr > had passed <05709 +<ada>

> on them .

00324 DAN 006 001 It pleased <08232 +sh@phar > Darius <01868

+Dar@yavesh > to set <03966 +m@<od > over <05922 +<al > the

kingdom <04437 +malkuw > an hundred <03969 +ma>ah > and twenty

<06243 +<esriyn > princes <{00324} +>achashdarpan > , which

<01768 +diy > should be over the whole <03606 +kol > kingdom

<04437 +malkuw > ;

00324 DAN 006 002 And over <05924 +<ella> > these <04481 +min >

three <08532 +t@lath > presidents <05632 +carek > ; of whom

Daniel <01841 +Daniye>l > [ was ] first <02298 +chad > : that

the princes <{00324} +>achashdarpan > might give <03052 +y@hab >

accounts <02941 +ta<am > unto them , and the king <04430 +melek

> should have <01934 +hava> > no <03809 +la> > damage <05142

+n@zaq > .

00324 DAN 006 003 Then <00116 +>edayin > this <01836 +den >

Daniel <01841 +Daniye>l > was preferred <05330 +n@tsach > above

<05922 +<al > the presidents <05632 +carek > and princes

<{00324} +>achashdarpan > , because an excellent <03493 +yattiyr

> spirit <07308 +ruwach > [ was ] in him ; and the king <04430

+melek > thought <06246 +<ashith > to set <03966 +m@<od > him

over <05922 +<al > the whole <03606 +kol > realm <04437 +malkuw

> .

00324 DAN 006 004 Then <00116 +>edayin > the presidents <05632

+carek > and princes <{00324} +>achashdarpan > sought <01158

+ba<ah > to find <07912 +sh@kach > occasion <05931 +<illah >

against Daniel <01841 +Daniye>l > concerning <06655 +tsad > the

kingdom <04437 +malkuw > ; but they could <03202 +y@kel > find

<07912 +sh@kach > none <03809 +la> > occasion <05931 +<illah >

nor <03809 +la> > fault <07844 +sh@chath > ; forasmuch as he [

was ] faithful <00540 +>aman > , neither <03809 +la> > was there

any <03606 +kol > error <07960 +shaluw > or fault <07844

+sh@chath > found <07912 +sh@kach > in him .

00324 DAN 006 006 Then <00116 +>edayin > these <00459 +>illeyn >

presidents <05632 +carek > and princes <{00324} +>achashdarpan >

assembled <07284 +r@gash > together to the king <04430 +melek > ,

 and said <00560 +>amar > thus <03652 +ken > unto him , King

<04430 +melek > Darius <01868 +Dar@yavesh > , live <02414

+chataph > for ever <05757 +<Avviy > .

00324 DAN 006 007 All <03606 +kol > the presidents <05632 +carek

> of the kingdom <04437 +malkuw > , the governors <05461 +cagan

> , and the princes <{00324} +>achashdarpan > , the counsellors

<01907 +haddabar > , and the captains <06347 +pechah > , have

consulted <03272 +y@<at > together to establish <06966 +quwm > a

royal <04430 +melek > statute <07010 +q@yam > , and to make a

firm <08631 +t@qeph > decree <00633 +>ecar > , that whosoever

<03605 +kol > shall ask <01156 +b@<a> > a petition <01159 +ba<uw

> of any <03606 +kol > God <00426 +>elahh > or man <00606

+>enash > for thirty <08533 +t@lathiyn > days <03118 +yowm > ,

save <03861 +lawhen > of thee , O king <04430 +melek > , he

shall be cast <07412 +r@mah > into the den <01358 +gob > of

lions <00744 +>aryeh > .



